Seal-regular script calligrapy of Chen Xinya
Seal-cursive script calligrapy of Chen Xinya
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A calligraphy pictorial focusing China's traditional calligrahpy,paintings,arts and pictures,especially Chinese famous calligraphic works. Yi ge shufa huabao zhandian.Guanzhu Zhongguo Chuantong shufa,huihua,yishu he meitu,tebie shi zhongguo zhiming shufa zuopin.
Seal-cursive script calligraphy of a couplet
Seal-cursive script calligraphy of a peom
Chen Xin Ya (1962-) with a name of Ruolan and a nickname Shuiming), was born in Hubei in 1962 Qichun. 1983 graduated from Hubei Normal University Department of Chinese Literature. Now as a director of editorial of "calligraphy newspaper" , editorial director of publications.
His calligraphy are different from others and are full of skillfulness.He is good at seal cursive script and regular script calligraphy.
[Simpled Chinese introduction of Chen Xinya]
陈新亚(若兰 水鸣 斋号观莲堂),1962年出生于湖北蕲春。1983年毕业于湖北师范学院中文系。现为《书法报》主任编辑,书刊编辑部主任。中国书协教育委员会委员,湖北省书协创作评审委员会副主任。江苏省画院特聘书画师。东湖印社社员。